
In May we introduced a style with patial Keratin Blow-Dry .

And this time we would like to introduce a style with Keratin Blow-dry without using Iron , which is good for a person who dosn’t want to make it too straight.  It should keep the style without frizz in the rainy season, too.

If you need both a hair color and a relaxer to keep your hair good condition, I would highly recommend you to choose a Keratin Blow-out instead of  a chemical relaxer.

If you need a  hair color and a hair relaxer I would choose a Herb color instead of chemical   color.

And if you ask me to choose the best combination of a hair color and a relaxer for your  hair I would say a Herb color  with a Keratin Blow-out, since both of them were originally  hair treatments.

I wouldn’t  choose a chemical color and a chemical relaxer.

It is the worst combination, because it is very hard on your hair.

It depend on the hair and the hair style which you want, though.

Please feel free to ask us.

We use Sandalwood Juniper and Clary Sage for dry scalp


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Sandalwood  Soothes the skin and keeps a good oil balance. Strong cleansing effect .Sterilizing and         astringent.


セイヨウネズ(西洋杜松) (Juniperus communis) 花言葉,毒性 ...

Juniper  The astringency effect of juniper disinfects and cleans the skin scalp


クラリセージの効果・効能 |アロマ・精油・エッセンシャルオイル ...

 Clary Sage  good for hair growth

We use  Rosemary Lavender and Juniper for nomal Scalp.

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Rosemary   Stimulatrs the scalp and encourages hair growth. It has anastringent effect.


セイヨウネズ(西洋杜松) (Juniperus communis) 花言葉,毒性 ...

Juniper   The astringent effect of juniper disinfects and cleans the skin and scalp.


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Lavender    Stimulates the scalp and is good for hair growth. Anti-viral.